Individual Therapy
There are a number of reasons why you may seek guidance in therapy, such as learning a better way to manage life’s transitions and change or address concerns related to depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress.
Your comfort is our priority
Many clients come to therapy to clarify personal values, work through grief and trauma, explore sexual orientation and gender identity, improve relationships, or gain greater self-confidence, self-respect, and acceptance. Regardless of why you contact me, our goal in individual therapy is to help you feel more like you again.
We honor the courage it takes to make the decision to come to therapy. We put your comfort and care at the forefront of all that I do, and provide you with a safe and comfortable space to speak openly and in confidence.
Taking the steps to heal
Our process is action-oriented, so we'll work with you to set goals and develop a plan to track your progress. You may want to improve your relationships, process trauma, or feel more balanced emotionally. An important aspect of taking care of yourself includes attending to your emotional and mental well-being in individual therapy.
As you express yourself in the open, engaging environment we provide, you will learn strategies that will help you choose the path that is right for you. Individual therapy can have a meaningful and enduring effect on your life, whether you’re dealing with an extraordinary circumstance or facing ongoing life challenges.